Thursday 1 October 2009

Evaluation of pinhole photography

These are the two pinhole camera camera photos I took. The first is a photograph of the Atrium, I left the pinhole exposed for 5 minutes whilst shooting this. It came out fairly clearly but the base image was very grey which was a base fog of light meaning my box wasn't as light tight as I needed it to be. But i like this because you can clearly make out objects and people but there is blurs of people moving and shadows which makes the picture quite spooky.

This is the original picture, it came out as a negative so after uploading it to photoshop I inverted it, which is how I got the image above.

This is my second photo that I took in Alexandra park. I like this because it came oout very clearly so you can see what the photos supposed to be. It came out quite bright in the right hand side though so you can't really see anything.

This is the image above before it was inverted. It is still visible but it looks like it's the middle of the night.

I tried to other photos but the first someone moved the camera so the shot didn't work, and the second I didn't expose it enough so I had a plain white image.

1 comment:

  1. Despite a lack of a series of pinhole images Llawen you have shown here that you were fully aware of what you were doing during the project. More technical details of cameras, shutters etc. would also have helped the blog to explain what the project involved however.
