Thursday 8 October 2009

Radio Jingles

News jingle:

For my news jingle I tried to use the most dramatic music I could find because usually news jingles are quite dramatic to make it seem more important. So I searched on youtube "dramatic music" and found a song called 'requiem for a dream' which after using in my piece found out is actually the theme is from sky sports news, but as i'd already made my jingle I didn't change it. My jingle was quite short but effective; adding the dramatic effect through the use of my chosen backing track and my vocals. I said "SNC NEWS LIVE" and then added an effect to it so it would sound more powerful as my original vocals sounded very quiet and not as enthusiastic as would be expected of the piece. I think that it came out better than I had expected but I could have cut down the length to make it more snappy. Also if I had more time I would have changed the backing track to something that isn't already a real news jingles track.

Station Ident:

For my station ident I used a very mainstream type song "The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It" so that people would recognize the song and hopefully want to listen on. I used the instrumental of the song though so that when I added a voiceover there was no interference making it clear what was being said. For my vocals I got various people from my group to say the name of the station (SNC) and then placed them after eachother with a little gap so people could take in what was being said rather than repeatedly hearing SNC one after the other. One of the vocals was too quiet though even after raising the volume of it so it didn't really fit in with the rest; and in contrast my vocals I added was very loud so it seemed to overpower the other vocals.

Show Promo:

For my show promo I went for a hip-hop themed radio show, so to reflect this I used hip-hop tracks from Nas, Common, Lupe Fiasco and Lil Wayne. I used 4 songs and mixed them by adding an explosion effect at the end of each clip to seperate them whilst keeping my jingle flowing smoothly. To end the jingle I used a sci-fi style effect that sounded strange but ended my jingle nicely without having to over-use the explosion effect. My vocals however were too quiet, even after turning them up and doubling them for extra depth they were still quite quiet and didn't stand out as i'd liked them to. Also the mixing could have been better but I couldn't find any good enough effects on the programme I used (soundboothe) to make them seem as professional as they could have been.

Overall I think my jingles went well seeing as it was the first time i'd used any of the programmes but with more practice and better use of the tools I had I could have made them sound a lot more professional and more like a real radio jingle.

Download llawen Maile - News Jingle

Download Llawen Maile - Show Promo

Download Llawen Maile - Station Ident

Thursday 1 October 2009

Overview of pinhole photography

A pinhole camera is a very simple camera with no lens and a single very small aperture. Simply explained, it is a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light passes throughthe hole and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box onto photographic paper. The smaller the hole, the sharper the image, but the dimmer the projected image. A pinhole camera's shutter is usually manually operated because of the exposure times can be lengthy, it consists of a flap of some light-proof material to cover and uncover the pinhole ( I used duck tape). Typical exposures range from 5 seconds to hours and sometimes days. After you have exposed the camera for the proper amount of time you then cover the hole again to make sure no more light gets in. You then go into a dark room and take out your photographic paper, soak it in developer fluid then into a alkali fixer, leaving it in for about 2 minutes. Once this process has finished you soak it in water quickly and then leave it to dry. Once you have completed this process you should have your image appear onto the paper in a negative (if you dont it is because of over or under exposure). Finally you scan your image into the computer and invert it so that you are left with a positive image which you can edit or change how you like.

I made my pinhole camera with a round tight seal biscuit tin. I started by painting the inside of the tin black, about 4 coats so that there was no colour to interfere with my photograph. Next I drilled a hole into the side of the tin and filed off the jagged edges that appeared on the inside of the tin. Then I placed a thick tinfoil square inside the tin that covered the drill hole, using gaffa tape to keep it there. I then painted the tape black and poked a pin hole into the tinfoil which was my lens. Afterwards I went into a dark room to load the photographic paper into the tin; keeping it held up by a small sticky pad; closing the tin and creating a manual shutter (duck tape) before I left the dark room I was ready to take my pictures. However before you do this you have to work out your f.stop calculations by dividing the size of the pinhole by the length from the lens to the focal (in my case 165mm/0.8mm) using this you can work out how long you need to expose your paper for. The inside exposure time was considerably longer than the outside exposure time because inside there is less light that outside. I then took my images and used the process of developing my pictures. Ending up with two reasonably good photographs.

Evaluation of pinhole photography

These are the two pinhole camera camera photos I took. The first is a photograph of the Atrium, I left the pinhole exposed for 5 minutes whilst shooting this. It came out fairly clearly but the base image was very grey which was a base fog of light meaning my box wasn't as light tight as I needed it to be. But i like this because you can clearly make out objects and people but there is blurs of people moving and shadows which makes the picture quite spooky.

This is the original picture, it came out as a negative so after uploading it to photoshop I inverted it, which is how I got the image above.

This is my second photo that I took in Alexandra park. I like this because it came oout very clearly so you can see what the photos supposed to be. It came out quite bright in the right hand side though so you can't really see anything.

This is the image above before it was inverted. It is still visible but it looks like it's the middle of the night.

I tried to other photos but the first someone moved the camera so the shot didn't work, and the second I didn't expose it enough so I had a plain white image.

Cool?. Basically this is my blog which over the 2 years I will use just to show what work i've done and how well or badly it's gone